Regular worship is the center of the Church’s life. It gives us the chance to refocus on who God is and how he relates to us through Jesus. Altadena Baptist Church is committed to high standards in worship, including faithfulness to Biblical principles and standards, prayers of confession, petition and spiritual aspiration, sharing in fellowship that builds up the entire Body and consistent, solid, Biblical preaching. Inspirational music prepared and led by the Praise Team binds our worship services together. Volunteer musicians, Lay Leaders, ushers, sound and audio-visual technicians all enrich the worship experience.
Children and Youth:
We believe that inter-generational connection is vital to the spiritual and emotional health of youth, seniors, and everyone in between. More often than not, our programs include all generations. That said, we do provide a pull-out sessions of Kids Church during most Sunday Worship Services (for ages K through High School). Youth Group (ages Jr High – High School) meets every Friday, 6:30 – 8:00 PM. We also intentionally and individually pray as a church body over each one of our youth and kids.
Our small group gatherings study the Bible, pray together, and support each other through life’s ups and downs. Some meet weekly, others twice a month. Groups are led by qualified and experienced facilitators, and the Bible study focus is selected by the whole group. The Pastors provide backup resources and consultation.
Stephen Ministries:
We provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties. A well-trained and supervised Stephen Minister walks side-by-side with the person needing care, supporting them for as long as necessary. This caring partnership is only provided when it is agreeable to the person receiving the ministry, and the relationship is entirely confidential.
Women’s Prayer Brunch:
Three times a year the women gather on a Saturday morning for the four “E’s”: Eating together, Encouraging one another, Enjoying God’s Word together, Entering into God’s presence. This is our opportunity to know each other better and provide a helping network of support in spiritual journeys unique to women.